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the market place for the circular economy on the internet: special topics / businesses
recycling portals
the category for articles about recyclingplatform
cirplus - the market place has various offers of recyled plastics. You can find the offered recyclates categories as tag above in this advert.
cirplus GmbH
Draft of DIN SPEC 91446 with the aim to standardize plastics recyclates was published to comment.
IFAT Munich 2024: The world's leading trade fair forwater, sewage, waste and raw materials management in 2024 has themajor topic sustainable water and waste water technology.
IFAT Munich 2024: many exhibitors are also listed on recyclingplatform too. By clicking on the exhibitor tag at the top of this article you proceed to the respective content on recyclingplatform.
plastship GmbH
platforms and portals for recycling - the category of companies and institutions that operate platforms or portals for recycling on the Internet
recyclingplatform - the market place for the circular economy on the Internet
Link the contact in the list on recyclingplatform itself: recyclingplatform GmbH
supplier of recyclates and of products with recycled materials
recycfy is a trade mark of WR Wertstoffbörse Recycling GmbH & Co. KG
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